Example 3: Emulating the Dreaded <BLINK> Tag

This is a rather silly example — only Netscape versions 4 through 6 support the <BLINK> tag, and its use has always been condemned as downright evil by most Web designers. Until now, it has always been difficult to make blinking text in Internet Explorer, but with SMIL it's almost too easy. The example below blinks once every second (1/2 second on, 1/2 second off).

Repeat after me: I will NOT make blinking elements on my Web pages!

<div id="blink"
<br />I blink once a second
<smil:par repeatCount="indefinite" end="stopblink.click" begin="startblink.click">
 <smil:animate targetElement="blink" attributeName="visibility"
               values="hidden;visible" begin="0s" dur="1s" />
<input id="stopblink" type="button" value="Stop Blinking!" />