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Advanced Flash 3
Lesson 1

by Michael Kay

Page 1 — Advanced Flash — Lesson 1

Back in the Intro to Flash tutorial, you learned how to make a simple, interactive, Shockwave movie. (If you haven't taken that tutorial and have no experience with Flash 3, you should definitely start there.) So you should now know how to make shapes move and how to create a simple button. These simple elements are the bread and butter of Flash, and you can do a lot with them.

But if you want to create complex, interactive animations, you'll need to push your Flash skills even further.

Interested in becoming a real Flash maestro? Then this two-lesson, Advanced Flash tutorial is for you. Read on to learn how to morph shapes, create more sophisticated symbols, use Tell Target to create nonlinear behavior, and create a pulldown menu. We'll even throw in some sound for good measure.

In this lesson, we'll concentrate on creating a fancy button that combines several features (It morphs! It animates! It makes noise!).

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