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Advanced JavaScript Tutorial
Lesson 2

by Thau!

Page 3 — Substring

The substring is just like charAt except it can grab entire substrings from a word, not just letters. Here's the format:

var the_substring = the_string.substring(from, to);
"From" refers to the position of the first character of the substring, and "to" is, strangely enough, one greater than the last position of the substring. Using this weird method to mark the beginning and end of the substring makes it so that "to" minus "from" gives you the length of the substring:

var the_string = "monkey";

var clergy = the_string.substring(0,4);

var tool = the_string.substring(3,6);

After this batch of code runs, "clergy" will equal "monk"; "tool" will equal "key."

The substring is often used with indexOf to break apart strings. For example, you could pull out the domain name of a given URL:

var the_url = prompt("What's the URL?","");

var lead_slashes = the_url.indexOf("//");

var domain_start = lead_slashes + 2;

var without_resource = the_url.substring(domain_start, the_url.length);

var next_slash = without_resource.indexOf("/");

var domain = without_resource.substring(0, next_slash);
Which means if you enter "http://www.aleeanne.org.uk/javascript/index.html," the domain will equal "www.aleeanne.org.uk." Try the domain grabber to see it work. If this code seems like kind of a drag to you, don't worry. After I break it down line by line, I'll show you how to make things much simpler using the split method. First, however, the analysis.

The basic tactic we're using here is to isolate everything between the first double slash and the next slash. Here's how we do it:

var the_url = prompt("What's the URL?","");
This just asks the user for a URL. Let's say they enter "http://www.aleeanne.org.uk/javascript/index.html."

var lead_slashes = the_url.indexOf("//");
This locates the first two slashes. In the case of our example URL, lead_slashes equals "5" because the two slashes start at position five.

What's that? You wonder, "if the string is a URL, it always starts with http://, so why don't we just assume, oh so cleverly, that the two slashes start at position five instead of messing around with indexOf?" The thing is, you never know what people will do at the prompt. They might enter "the URL I want is http://www.blah.com/." Or they might accidentally put a space before the URL. Or maybe they enter a URL that's on a secure server, making it something like "https://www.whatever.com/."

One of the hardest things about programming is anticipating all possible cases and then coming up with a way to handle them. Ask people to drop information into an open text field, and you never quite know what you'll get. So we can't just assume that the two slashes are at positions five and six. Instead, we need to use the indexOf method to determine exactly where the two slashes start.

var domain_start = lead_slashes + 2;
This calculates the location of the first letter of the domain. Because there are two slashes, the first letter of the domain will be two positions over from the slashes.

var without_resource = the_url.substring(domain_start, the_string.length);
This grabs everything from the beginning of the domain name (which we determined in the previous line of code) and the end of the string. So, using the current example, without_resource is "www.aleeanne.org.uk/javascript/index.html."

var next_slash = without_resource.indexOf("/");
This figures out the position of the next slash in the string. Everything between the beginning of the string and this slash is domain name. In this case, the next slash is in position seventeen.

var domain = without_resource.substring(0, next_slash);
This final step grabs everything from the beginning of the string to the position of the next slash. In the current case, that makes domain equal to "www.aleeanne.org.uk."

And there you have it. Yes, it's a pain. If it makes you feel any better, string handling is a pain in almost all languages. JavaScript 1.2, which was introduced with Netscape 4.0, takes some strides toward making string handling easier. But it's still a pain.

The whole process can be handled quite a bit more easily with the split method.

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