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FTPing with CuteFTP
by Heidi Pollock 21 Oct 1998

Heidi Pollock finally left the big city for a quiet country life of dial-up access and frequent power outages. But that hasn't stopped her from being a Webmonkey. Oh no!

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Nobody knows who they were or what they were doing but they were definitely running Unix ...

Once upon a time, in a land of Unix machines, files were transferred. These files were exchanged via a protocol developed especially for that task. This was so long ago that the utility was actually given a name that expressed its functionality rather than a product of a careful, million-dollar marketing survey. This seemingly magical file transfer protocol was called File Transfer Protocol. And it was known throughout the land as FTP.

And it worked. In fact, it worked so well that people continued to use it even as newer protocols were born. Gopher and WAIS and HTTP were OK, but nothing transferred files like FTP.

Over the years, the people grew unfamiliar with Unix. In fact, some even came to dread the command-line interface. Forsaking the old FTP clients, they turned instead to their Web browsers to transfer files: dragging and dropping them one by one with no control over formats or attributes or naming schemes. And the people suffered.

Until one day when Alex Kunadze created CuteFTP, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) client fit for the FTP protocol. Rejoicing was heard all across Windows platforms everywhere (Mac people had Fetch to keep their tails wagging). Directory structures appeared on colored monitors with familiar tiny yellow folders. Elaborate .wav files were attached to alert messages. Toolbars were customized and macros recorded and three-letter extensions were reconciled with four-letter extensions. Transfers queued, directories cached, and downloads resumed. And everybody lived happily ever after. And so can you.

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