Electric Type |
ElectricType is a flexible new weblog (blog) system, with a multitude of powerful facilities generally only found on large, commercial systems. It was written to solve the problem of wondering which blogging system to use with the requirements of efficiency, ease of use, compatibility with all browsers and a minimal use of server resources. Thus, because I like being in control of the way my websites work - and also because I was unable to find an easy-to-install & maintain weblog script and not liking the restrictions of the mainstream 'blogger' type sites, I decided to design my own - hence the birth of ElectricType. ElectricType was designed and developed by Paul Vigay. To keep Paul's legancy alive we have kept this website running with all the content we have. We will be periodically making updates and we will re-enable the blogs at some point. It's written entirely in PERL and is optimised to be as compact and efficient as possible, yet provide the flexibility and power of some of the commercial offerings. T H E P R O F E S S I O N A L B L O G S Y S T E M