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Authoring Subtopics:

HTML Basics
HTML is the lingua franca of the Net. It's a simple, universal markup language that allows Web publishers to create pages of text and images that can be viewed by anyone on the Web, regardless of what kind of computer or browser they're using. If you want to build Web pages, you should start here.

Tables — they're not just for spreadsheets anymore! HTML tables can add precision and complexity to your page layout. Discover the magic of these useful tags here.

Using frames, you can divide your page into sections. Not everyone loves the way frames look, but they are a popular design choice.

Control the look of your page and reduce download time with this next-generation layout language. Soon all the cool kids will be using Stylesheets, and you don't want to be left out. Do you?

Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
What happens when you combine the flexibility of Stylesheets with the power of JavaScript? Some pretty cool stuff, actually. If you want your page to come alive with whiz-bang effects, dHTML may be the way to go.

Everyone seems to be talking about this new language — but why? The generic markup it offers is flexible, powerful, and much easier to deal with than HTML.

Authoring in General:

An introduction in Perl
Another server side scripting language used in enchancing websites. 6 Aug 2012

Your first database
When using databases, you need a laugage that is good enough to support all database communications when building a website. This shows you how. 6 Aug 2012

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HTML Basics  





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Intro To Perl  

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