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Building a Better Site
by Jeffrey Veen 14 Nov 1997

Jeffrey Veen is a founding partner of the user experience consultant group Adaptive Path. He spends far too much time traveling the world in search of the perfect burrito. He also wrote a couple excellent Web design books.

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So what do you think of our new look?

Actually, we kind of already know the answer to that question. We are almost entirely on two factors: countless bits of feedback from you (who are never shy about what you like and don't like) and our desire to push the site past the cutting edge.

And since you helped point us in the right direction when we first began this process, it only makes sense after all the hours we've spent researching, redesigning, restructuring, and testing, that we share with you how we built this thing. We learned an amazing amount about how Web sites should work, and how they'll probably work in the future. We hope you'll find our story useful.

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