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All about HTML Email

Page 3 — How It Works

Here's how it works. Incoming mail is stored in your POP account on an Internet server as multipart MIME documents. A message is divided into a text component and MIME file attachments. These attachments are associated with a URL that calls in the graphics, animations, sounds, and other elements at viewing time.

Outgoing HTML email is sent like any other piece of Internet mail using SMTP - the trick is to manipulate the header information that accompanies your message.

In addition to To:, From:, Cc:, and Bcc:, an email header specifies content type, transfer encoding, and display properties of the mail. The most important of these header fields for HTML email is Content-Type. Most mail agents send mail with Content-Type: text/plain, but you want yours to read Content-Type: text/html. Most mail agents will not let you modify this field, so you have to be crafty. One solution is to compose your HTML email manually using a Unix mailer program. This will enable you to type a customized header. Here's an example of a test message with appropriate header information:

    Errors: errors@YourDomain.com
    From: Your Name <you@YourDomain.com>
    To: Recipient Name <them@Theirs.com>
    Subject: test message
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Content-Disposition: inline; filename="filename.html"
    Content-Base: http://www.YourDomain.com

    <b>Hello there.</b><br>
    Monkey see, monkey do.

Notice the extra line break before the body of the message. In a Unix mailer program, the body begins with the line following two consecutive carriage returns and ends with a single period on its own line. To test your message, send it to yourself.

    % sendmail -t filename.html
The -t tells your Unix mailer to read the header information from the file itself.

Congratulations! Now you can send HTML email. It felt really great the first time I sent myself an HTML email. I admit my enthusiasm has diminished over time. On the bright side, the tools are catching up; it is becoming easier and more common to send and receive HTML email. For instance, the November 1997 release of MS Outlook Express is equipped to set "Content-Type: text/html" with a button-click.

Now it's time to set up an HTML email offering on your own site. Just remember to take an occassional weekend to yourself. At least whistle while you work.

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