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A Java Applet for Doodlers

Page 2 — How it was done

The hardest part about creating the Celtic Doodler was translating the human-ready algorithm (taught to me by the mystery woman) into an algorithm a computer could understand. Peter Gruhn's Web page gives a pretty good variation on how I used to draw these things by hand.

After lengthy contemplation, I realized the doodles could be broken into a small set of tiles and then arranged appropriately. Here's the set:

One thing to notice is that these 16 tiles can be reduced to six varieties:

Once I realized this, I was home free. All I had to do was create a Java object that represents a tile cell, tell the cell what it should look like (depending on which sides of the cell were closed), and devise an interface that would make it easy for people to close off different walls of the cells, without really knowing that's what they're doing.

Designing the interface was tough. First, I needed to draw the tiles and get them to line up. That was a pain. Luckily, I wormed my way out of this onerous task by getting my friend Jillo addicted to knot doodling. Once her obsession grew, she needed the program as badly as I did, so it was easy to convince her to do the graphics. Here's her story:

When Thau asked me to help, I was, of course, very honored. I mean - my stars! - how often do you get to assist someone in fulfilling their lifelong dream? First, I drew a doodle on paper, because I'm not very good at free drawing on the computer. Then I scanned it and brought it into Photoshop, where I proceeded to chop it into 50- by 50-pixel squares. I took one of each of the six varieties and rotated it as necessary to make the full set of 16 tiles. That's where the fun ended. Next, I had to match up each piece against all the others to make sure they aligned correctly.

If that made sense to you, you've clearly spent too much time doodling. Luckily, I got to skip that stuff. Once we had the images for the tiles, and I'd programmed up the Java tile object, all I had to do was plop a bunch of the objects on a page, and voilà! Done!

Well, almost. Another tough part was getting the tiles to communicate with each other. All the user interaction happens at the corners, where the tiles meet. Any time someone clicks on a corner, all the tiles around that corner must be told. Also, if a user clicks on one tile to start a wall, and then clicks on the other side of the board, the first tile she clicked has to be told to unclick itself.

So, right now there's a bunch of code in the tile object that tells tiles how to communicate with their neighbors. Eventually, I might create a corner object that handles all the communication between neighboring tiles. Maybe next time you check here, I'll have already done it. I'd also like to network this so that more than one person can play with the same board at once. Just give me a few weeks....

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