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Redirect or Symbolic Link?
by Jennifer Walsh 4 Apr 1997

Jennifer Walsh is a former production editor at HotWired. She needs to do her laundry. Please send quarters.

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Q:  HELP? I printed up 20,000 four-color flyers with the wrong Web address for an event in June! My friend, Joe, is a fantastic designer but spelling ain't his forte! The address should have been
and he typed in
- Matt

A:  Who said technology can't be good for trees? You can save yourself and the environment the expense of reprinting your flyers by using a redirect or a symbolic link. A redirect sends a message to your server to send a file different from the one requested by the user. The address in the browser location window will be the new address, so it's good to use this if you'd eventually like your viewers to convert to the new address.

A symbolic link, on the other hand, gives the illusion that the page requested contains the information that appears in the browser window, but it actually points to another file on your system where the information is really located. In other words, with a symbolic link, you appear to be at one location when you're really somewhere else, and with a redirect, you are pushed to a new location, and you know it (provided you're paying attention).

In your situation I would use a server-side redirect so your viewers will (hopefully) bookmark the correct location of your site.

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