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Text Size Control with CSS

Page 3 — Consistency Across Platforms: The Options

Our second problem is that text size varies between platforms. This is most obvious on PCs - less so on Macs, because text on a PC is generally larger on a pixel-by-pixel basis.

Here's text on a Mac:

And on a PC:

Remember that this isn't necessarily a problem, depending on your site's goals, content, and audience. If a bit of variation in text size isn't going to get in the way of your users' experience, then don't worry about it. But if that text size variation does bug you and disrupts the design, then keep reading.

Yes, dear friends, there are solutions to this madness. You can indeed make text the same size on Macs as on PCs. There are two ways to do it, and each has its benefits and drawbacks:

  1. Use pixels for font size.

  2. Use ems and JavaScript to serve up a different stylesheet for each platform.
Let's look at the first solution: using pixels.

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