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Why Browsers Haven't Standardized

Page 3 — It Can't Be That Bad, Can It?

To see how messy things can get, let's invent a scenario. Say the W3C is working on a new standard for describing arcs and circles. This effort has its own Working Group, with representatives from various corporations and research firms, and everyone has issued press statements about how happy and excited they are to be working on this wonderful new standard.

As the specification is written, the group decides that one of the properties of this language is degrees, which describes the number of degrees through which the arc traverses. If you wanted half of a circle you'd write

degrees: 180;

which is very CSS-like. But 180 degrees starting where? Let's say the standard states that all arcs begin at the top of the circle and move clockwise, like a compass. It's an arbitrary starting point, of course, but the Working Group had to pick something, and everyone was familiar with compasses (maybe they were all Boy Scouts or something). So the above declaration would result in a browser drawing the right half of a circle. So far so good, but what happens to this game when someone changes the rules?

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