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Lesson 1
Tool check, sample application

Lesson 2
Relational database explained, defining and linking tables

Lesson 3
SQL, VBScript, ActiveX Data Objects, 2-D arrays

Lesson 4
Includes, finishing touches

Your First Database

by Jay Greenspan

Professional database folk would like you to think that building a Web-based relational database application is water-to-wine difficult. But it's not - especially now that Jay's here to show you how it's done.

Some of the most useful sites out there - the Internet Movie Database, Monster.com, and Amazon.com - have a relational database to thank for their success. Since you may not be in a position to drop $30K on the high-end RDBMSes (relational database management systems) that these sites employ, Jay starts the tutorial by explaining how you can use the tools you already have to create a smaller, yet still useful, database application.

After you make it past the equipment check, get ready for a breakneck tour of all the things you need to know to create your relational database. Take a crash course in defining and linking tables. Read the Cliffs Notes to linking your database to your Web server. Have a brief fling with 2-D arrays. Learn just enough SQL, VBScript, ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and ASP stuff to scrape by. Put the pedal to the metal through HTML forms. And then learn how to put it all together.

All in just four easy lessons.