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Advanced JavaScript Tutorial
Lesson 2

by Thau!

Page 4 — The Split Method

When you have a list of things separated by a delimiter, you generally use split. Say you have a list of names separated by commas — split takes that list and puts each of the names into an array. For example:

var my_friends = "trixie,moxie,sven,guido,hermes";

var friend_array = my_friends.split(",");

for (var loop=0; loop < friend_array.length; loop++)
    document.writeln(friend_array[loop] + " is my friend.<br>");

This breaks the string my_friends into an array of five elements. (Happily, JavaScript creates the array for you automatically, so you don't have to use new Array() to create it yourself).

We can use split to make the earlier domain grabber easier to code:

var the_url = prompt("What's the URL?","");

var first_split = the_url.split("//");

var without_resource = first_split[1];

var second_split = without_resource.split("/");

var domain = second_split[0];

This is much more attractive, and easier to understand, right? Here's the breakdown:

var the_url = prompt("What's the URL?","");
As before, this requests a URL (let's go with "http://www.aleeanne.org.uk/javascript/index.html" again).

var first_split = the_url.split("//");
This splits the string into two pieces: first_split[0] is "http:" and first_split[1] is "www.aleeanne.org.uk/javascript/index.html."

var without_resource = first_split[1];
This just grabs the second element in the array, so now without_resource is "www.aleeanne.org.uk/javascript/index.html."

var second_split = without_resource.split("/");
This breaks without_resource into three pieces: www.aleeanne.org.uk, javascript, and index.html. See how useful split is?

var domain = second_split[0];
Now all we have to do is grab the first element of the second_split array. And voilà! We're done.

That might seem to be a lot of work at first, but you'll get used to it pretty fast. I personally love split — it's a special coding treat.

Now that you've learned all the fancy string handling routines for cookies, take a breather — you've just digested quite a mouthful of information. Go for a little stroll. Have a snack. OK? Then it's time to learn one last thing before sallying forth into cookie country: associative arrays.

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