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How to Write a Chat Server

Page 3 — We Don't Wait for Nobody

Most programs only deal with one user at a time. If the user isn't ready, there's nothing else the program has to do. So when a Perl program reads from <STDIN> and the user hasn't typed anything, it stops until the user is ready. (This is called blocking I/O.)

This doesn't work for a chat server, because users don't take turns. One user may have gone off to get some coffee, but the others are still typing, and the server has to deliver their messages.

One way to solve this problem is to create an entity for each user, either by using fork() to create another process, or using multithreaded programming (which, unfortunately, isn't available for Perl yet). The system might be serving multiple users, but each user still has her own entity that can wait for her command.

Processes, however, are expensive so this approach rapidly becomes inefficient as more people log in to the chat system. It's much better to have one process that handles everyone's requests. What we really need is a way to find out who's ready to be served without ever waiting (unless there really isn't anyone who wants to chat). This is what the select() function does.

Like the socket functions, select() traditionally has been hard to use, so most programmers avoided it if they could. Perl, however, has an object-oriented wrapper around it now called IO::Select, which makes it much easier to use.

Suppose we want to wait on two sockets, $thing1 and $thing2. First we create a select() object that contains the two sockets:

   $select = IO::Select->new($thing1,$thing2);

Next, whenever we want to know who has data for us we ask the select object:

   my @ready = $select->can_read;

This call will wait until either $thing1 or $thing2 is ready, and will return an array containing the socket that is. (If they're both ready, @ready will contain both sockets.)

Once we have the ready sockets, we in turn can read from each of them to find out what they sent:

   for $socket (@ready) {
        if($line eq "") { die "they hung up on me"; }
        print "someone sent $line.  Sending it back.\n";
        $socket->send($line) or die "hey, where did they go?";

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