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How to Write a Chat Server

Page 6 — Keeping Track of Where you Were

One problem with our chat server so far is that you don't know who's talking. Real chat servers allow you to keep track of who's who by printing the user's handle next to their responses.

If we were only doing one thing at a time, asking for a handle would be fairly straightforward code that looks something like this:

            my $new = $listen->accept;
            print $new->fileno . ": connected\n";
            $new->write("choose a handle> ");
            $handle[$new->fileno] = $new->recv;

The problem is, we don't want the server to stop while waiting for a new user to type in a handle. We need to save where we are, handle other users' requests while the new user is typing, and come back when the new user is finished. The code needs to be divided into two parts:

        sub login {
            my($new) = @_;
            print $new->fileno . ": connected\n";
            $new->write("choose a handle> ");

        sub get_handle {
            my($socket) = @_;
            $handle[$socket->fileno] = $socket->recv;

How can we save where we are? One way is to save a pointer to a subroutine that contains what to do next:

        $nextsub[$socket->fileno] = &get_handle;

So, we can always look in the appropriate entry in @nextsub to find out where we left off.

Putting this all together, and using objects to keep things straight in an extensible way, we end up with this code.

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