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Your First Database
Lesson 4

by Jay Greenspan

Page 1 — Your First Database — Lesson 4

So far, we've covered a lot of theory but have put little of it into practice. It's time to watch interactive ASP pages at work.

Cheaters beware: If you have come to this final lesson without reading all the other lessons, the stuff that follows isn't going to make much sense. Plus, you're missing out on some tips that will make you a really sexy person. I've already received desperate email from spouses of people who have taken the tutorial, complaining of marriages strained over all the ogling, catcalls, and pinching their honey now receives. But that's not my responsibility. I'm just here to teach.

If you've been with us since the beginning, you've already installed your Personal Web Server, downloaded and hooked up our database, and downloaded our sample files. If you didn't manage to install PWS, you can at least get an idea of what it looks like. Of course, these samples aren't hooked to our database, so the information in them is static (if you want to actually play around with the code, you need to download those sample files).

Go ahead and open the database you downloaded. As you go through the sections of this lesson, enter and delete information from the database and see how it affects your output. It will be fun. And informative.

We'll start by taking a look at the meat of the code for info.asp.

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