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Your First Database
Lesson 3

by Jay Greenspan

Page 3 — VBScript with ASP

As Kevin mentioned in a previous introduction to ASP, you don't have to use VBScript with ASP pages. You can also use JScript, which is pretty much identical to JavaScript - it's Microsoft's version - and ActiveState offers Perl scripting, which is a nice option for you Perl coders.

But I've decided to use VBScript with ASP for two reasons. First, it is the language most commonly used with ASP, and second, it is quite possibly the easiest programming language ever created. If you're dubious, I think I can bring you around. You already know what this code does.

<% do while not cars.eof 




Now try - think really hard - and figure out the meaning of this statement.


If cars(0) = 'Jaguar' then

	Response.write "Jags rule!"

Elseif cars(0) = 'Mercedes' then

	Response.write "I love my poshmobile!"


	Response.write "My car ain't worth nuthin'!"

End if


This is just a basic if-else statement. In other words, if the car name is Jaguar, the appropriate pro-Jag text will print, but if the car is a Mercedes, it will print a different message, and in all other circumstances, a third message will print.

Let's get totally fancy and put these two pieces together.

<% do while not cars.eof 

	If cars(0) = 'Jaguar' then

		Response.write "Jags rule!"

	Elseif cars(0) = 'Mercedes' then

		Response.write "I love my poshmobile!"


		Response.write "My car ain't worth nuthin'!"

	End if



We're still checking for Jaguars and Mercedes (so we can print out the appropriate message), but now we're checking each and every row in the ADO recordset.

Believe it or not, that, along with some knowledge of VBScript operators, combined with what you already know about ADO and two-dimensional arrays, is enough to get you through quite a lot of coding for your database. In fact, we'll be building the actual pages of our application using these very constructs in the next lesson.

But before we do that, let's practice our VBScript a bit, shall we?

One thing you need to know about VBScript is that it deals with variable types strangely. There is really only one kind of variable in VBScript, and it's called a variant. This does not mean, however, that all variants are the same. There is a numeric variant, a date variant, a text-string variant, as well as some others. The theory with variant is that VBScript is smart enough to figure out what kind of variable you want and will assign it automatically. And this can cause problems. It's something you'll want to be aware of down the road.

Also, it's not necessary to declare variables in VBScript. Of course, good coders always declare their variables, and so should you (using the Dim statement). But the following commands would execute without a problem even if there were no preceding Dim statements.




foobar=foo + bar



If you want to learn a bunch more about VBScript, you can start by taking the Microsoft tutorial, or browse through the language reference info.

Obviously, the onus is on you to go out and learn more VBScript. But I think you're up to it. Once you're comfy with VBScript, you're ready to add forms to the mix.

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