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Aligning Text

<p align=left> aligns a paragraph to the left<p align=right> aligns a paragraph to the right<p align=center> centers a paragraph

Alignment attributes can be added to the <p> tag to align the text in a paragraph to the left, right or center (though large chunks of text are rarely aligned right or center).

So if you were to write this in your HTML doc:

<p align=left>I fear my bathroom window. It opens toan airshaft, and when it's hot outside I leave it open.Unfortunately, if it's hot enough for me to open thebathroom window, it is also usually hot enough formy neighbors to open their bathroom windows.<p align=center>I can hear everything. I can hearthem argue, and I can hear them flush the toilet.The heat is bad enough; I don't need to knowwhether or not Elaine upstairs thinks Jeremyshould shave his goatee.<p align=right>When I moved into the bigger, cheaperapartment next door, I couldn't shake thememory of the wild summer parties I'doverheard. It took me four weeks to even<i>think</i> about using the bathtub. I scouredit until it gleamed, showered, and attempted tosleep. I couldn't. So I asked that it be replaced.

You might consider moving. Oh, and your page would appear like this:

I fear my bathroom window. It opens toan airshaft, and when it's hot outside I leave it open.Unfortunately, when it's hot enough for me to open thebathroom window, it is usually hot enough formy neighbors to open their bathroom windows.

I can hear everything. I can hear them argue, and I can hear them flush the toilet. The heat is bad enough;I don't need to know whether or not Elaine upstairsthinks Jeremy should shave his goatee.

When I moved into the bigger, cheaper apartmentnext door, I couldn't shake the memory of the wild summer partiesI'd overheard. It took me four weeks to even think about using the bathtub.I scoured it until it gleamed, showered and attempted tosleep. I couldn't. So I asked that it be replaced.

Of course, you can use paragraph tags for text that's shorter than a full-on paragraph. For instance, you may want to center some words, like so:

<p align=center>If someone offers you<p align=center>a breath mint,<p align=center>take it.

They'll appear like this:

If someone offers you

a breath mint,

take it.

Got a handle on it? Now try it yourself.

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